Dear Customer,
As communicated to you on March 15th, we have provisionally calculated, based on the TTF average price of the gas for the month of March, the % of energy surcharge that we will apply to the prices of our products, with the data accumulated up to the 25th.
The average TTF for the month (gas price quotation in the Amsterdam market) until March 25 is 134,92 €/MWh
Applying the envisaged formula
% Monthly Energy Surcharge = 0.256% x (TTF month average – 70)
The result is:
% Monthly Energy Surcharge = 0,256% x (134,92 – 70) = 16,62%
However, you should consider this surcharge as provisional, since the definitive one will be the one formed with the average of the entire month of March up to and including the 31st.
In other words, on Friday, April 1st, with the data for the full month of March, we will calculate the final surcharge for the April month and communicate it both through a mailing to customers and on the web pages:
In doing so:
- We fulfilled our commitment to inform with data up to the 25th of the month
- We give our clients time to form their prices for the following month
- Given the downward trend in the price of gas in recent days, most likely, the final surcharge will be lower
Remember that this surcharge is exceptional, temporary and will be withdrawn when the situation stabilizes.
All Gres Aragón staff is at your service.
Thanking you for your trust, yours sincerely
The Company Management